
As Shanghainese locals are actively 晒 shài-ing (drying) blankets in the sun in Stories, it’s time for you to share your recent progress✅

ShareSunday 138 | YourMandarin


All learners, all levels!

What new Chinese words/phrases have you learned recently?
Nǐmen zuìjìn xuédào le nǎxiē dāncí hé cíyǔ?



@ciliolindemberg: I’ve learnt how to use 到 to express actions’ completion, for example: 我找到了你的金色的手机。And 给 as a way linking something to someone, like: 我会拿给他那个电脑。对不对? 😅🙈🙈🙈

@yourmandarin: @ciliolindemberg 👍 很好!Thanks for providing clear examples so others can learn too😊 In #2, 给 can work as a verb “to give to”, so you can use it without 拿 (我会给他…)

@yourmandarin: @ciliolindemberg But I see what you mean, 给 could be a preposition (“to”) too:发给他,送给他,还给他 etc. etc😊👍

@hmxc__: 我刚刚学过了”失去” 和 “丢失” 的区别

@yourmandarin: @hmxc__ 👍 很好!你能不能用这两个动词造句子?

@yo.pathaks_: 滚蛋🤣

@yourmandarin: @yo.pathaks_ 💨💨

@gattafelix_: 小提琴🎻😄

@yourmandarin: @gattafelix_ 🎵🎶

@ikhsanovas: 塑性,脆性,韧度,石墨,机械混合物,金属化合物,固溶体

@yourmandarin: @ikhsanovas 👏👏

@shiren_aisha: 三思而行,有趣,上门

@yourmandarin: @shiren_aisha 👍

@hmxc__: @yourmandarin 我失去了你,或者 我的手机丢失了,对不对?

@valerie.t__: 無麩質/無筋 but everytime i said in bakery, they never understand sigh…is the word wrong??

@yourmandarin: @valerie.t__ 👍 It’s not wrong! We had a post about it before (#ym无肤质), the problem is that many people here are not familiar with the concept/idea behind “gluten-free” yet (it’s still relatively new), so they wouldn’t understand it in any language😢 Need more time

@valerie.t__: @yourmandarin ohh that’s explain everything hehe, because i have a gluten allergic and i really love bread which is my problem lol…i just want to make sure that they didn’t have any gluten before i eat that, thank you anyway 😍

@christine1988_xx: Shi shang! Stylish 😎👗💅👠

@yourmandarin: @christine1988_xx 😏

@valerie.t__: @maikel_212121 gluten free

@maikel_212121: @valerie.t__ 👍

@jowannita: 收工

@yourmandarin: @jowannita 🕕💨

@dionvdam: 尽管,却,严重

@yourmandarin: @dionvdam 😎

@thegasparkids: 善有善报,恶有恶报

@yourmandarin: @thegasparkids 👍♻️

@angelina.karpets: 渣男

@china_huhu: ❤️🇨🇳🏮🐲🏮☯️⚛️

@amy_b467: “请你用拼音些” “请你再说一遍”

@yourmandarin: @amy_b467 👏 (”些”吗?😉)

@amy_b467: @yourmandarin *写!😂

@yourmandarin: @amy_b467 😊 Now it’s perfect! 完美了 wánměi le!

@l00m4ever: 商场,效果,标准,质量,打折,价格,台,顺便,制冷,购物,考虑,保证,尤其,特别😁

@emhaddy: 倒霉

@zammliu: 小意思😁😁❤️

@zammliu: 🍰🍰🍰🎂🎂

@yourmandarin: @zammliu 哈哈 意思意思😋

@hxstxjx_h: 莱比锡国际图书展览会

@theleaphome: On Friday I learnt “我很醉” 😂

@yourmandarin: @theleaphome 哈哈🕺🏻

@tessahendershott: 车水马龙

@yourmandarin: @tessahendershott 🚗🚕🚙🚌🚎🚓🚑🚕🚒

@max62801: 应该是“写”😊

March 24, 2019

Written by YourMandarin

YourMandarin is an independent project created and run by Veronika Se. To date, it has been updated daily for 1039 days, received 17,771 comments, and has 20.9k followers.

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