Today’s #Difference post comes on request from @chloesavior

It’s about using 3 types of “glue” – grammar particles that stitch together adjectives and nouns, or adverbs and verbs.

In speech, they all sound the same:

🗣 de

的 vs. 得 vs. 地


The only difference is in writing. So today, let’s look at each ‘de’ separately – with actionable tips 💪


的 de

This ‘de’ is used with nouns, and rarely causes confusion:

🔴 adj + 的 + noun


Examples with 的 de

Use it to link [a description] to a noun:

[black and white]的🐱
[lives next door]的🐱
[lives next door]的[very cheeky]的🐱

❗️You can use more than one 的 in one sentence if you like. Remember that it’s just a tool – to help you organize information🔧


得 de

This one is used with verbs, and always comes AFTER a verb:

🔴 verb + 得 + adverb


Examples with 得 de

Use it to describe someone’s skills or actions:

👍 你做得很好 Nǐ zuò de hěn hǎo – You do it really well (or ‘You’ve done it really well’)
📷 他拍得很好 Tā pāi de zhēnhǎo – He’s really good at taking pictures (Or ‘He took really good pictures)

❗️Notice that it might refer to both the past and the present, depending on the context

❗️Mind that native speakers don’t pay too much attention to this 得 in daily conversations, so you might notice them write 的 instead (‘你做的很好’)


地 de

This last one is used with verbs too, but it comes BEFORE a verb:

🔴 adverb + 地 + verb

In theory, you’re supposed to use it talking about the future – giving orders or recommendations. Eat slowly! Listen carefully!

❗️Remember this for your exams😉


Examples without 地 de

But now, in real life, notice how in common phrases (where 地 is supposed to be), 地 somehow gets lost:

👋 慢走 màn zǒu – Get home safe; Travel safe (not “满地走 màn de zǒu”)

😴 好好儿休息 hǎohǎor xiūxi – Have a good rest (not “好好儿地休息 hǎohǎor de xiūxi”)


Examples with 地 de

Not to make it seem completely useless, here’s one phrase that’d sound good with 地:

不断地 búduàn de – constantly; non-stop


How would you say:

“The clothes he’s wearing are black”?
“She sings really well”?
“China’s economy is continuously developing”?

@ervina_if: 他穿黑色的衣服 | 她唱得很好听 | 中国的经济不断地发展

@yourmandarin@ervina_if 非常好🤩🏅

@wiseheartme: Xièxie

@hannah.ytl@et.carinae it seems part of ur exam😂

@et.carinae@hannah.ytl yes😂😂😂 it helps

@aznfighting: Thank you! This is something that always confuses me when I see them in videos. Now I understand why 😃

@yourmandarin@aznfighting These are easier to use once you get them clear😊 (they don’t overlap like modal verbs #ym能 etc😷)

@toribudreau: “my least favorite part of chinese “ @candycaseoxox

@atiquevintage: Pretty good…

@makestheheartgrow: Saving this right now!

@yourmandarin@makestheheartgrow Yay✔️

@makestheheartgrow: Saving this right now!

@memske01@bandersnatch_22 follow them!! If you are not already….

@memske01@bandersnatch_22 我很喜欢这个IG!

@bandersnatch_22@memske01 好的,谢谢!

@werner.pizarro: 中国的经济不断地进步。

@yourmandarin@werner.pizarro 🏅

@werner.pizarro: 他唱得挺好的!

@yourmandarin@werner.pizarro 🏅(drop 的, you don’t need it here😊)

@werner.pizarro: 他穿的衣服很黑色。

@yourmandarin@werner.pizarro …and add 的 here! In this sentence you need it, because 黑色 = black color vs. 黑色的 = black (You can’t really say ‘The clothes he’s wearing are black color’)

@mitchy_karie1: 得 dei too

@yourmandarin@mitchy_karie1 This sounds like one more post😄

@qizi_mama: 他穿黑色的衣服,她唱歌唱得真好,中国的经济不断地发展

@yourmandarin@qizi_mama 非常好👍🏅

@qizi_mama@yourmandarin 谢谢!😇

@modinah: Very important one!! 😉 we just talked about it in Chinese class the other day

@yourmandarin@modinah Cool! Was it similar? Any extra tips? 🙂

@esraa.ibrahim119@ayashalaby17 بصي هنا هتفهمي الفرق

@hally.s: 他的衣服是黑色 or 他的衣服是黑色的? i feel like they both mean the same thing bt is thr a difference if i dont put the 的 at the end 😅

@yourmandarin@hally.s Yes, your ‘feeling’ is right😄 There is a difference! 黑色 = “black color” and 黑色的 = “black (in color)”. You can’t really say “His clothes are black color”, but you can say “His clothes are black” (他的衣服是黑色的)👍

@yourmandarin@hally.s (Sorry, deleted the previous answer, it was confusing😂)

@hally.s: hahah its ok.i get wat u mean. thank u fr explaining! 謝謝你!@yourmandarin

@yourmandarin@hally.s 不客气☀️

@chloesavior: 谢谢你们🙏🤩

@yourmandarin@chloesavior 不客气☀️ 谢谢你的问题!

@itsonlykae: 他穿黑色的衣服。她唱得很不错。中国的经济不断地发展。

@yourmandarin@itsonlykae 非常好🏅

@itsonlykae@yourmandarin 谢谢🙏🏻

@anderlinh_: 他穿的衣服是黑的。他唱歌唱得很好。中国经历在不断的发展。

@yourmandarin@anderlinh_ 很好👍🏅


@hocine_nourine@bahrizaissa 好好地学习。哈哈 lik hadi rule mliha😀

@tofudge: Can 得 and 了 be used interchangeably? 你做得好 vs 你做了好?

@yourmandarin@tofudge Not really! They work differently😉 了 only indicates a change of state of the past tense, so it can’t work as ‘glue’ for adverbs. You can’t say 你做了很好 (You did well, verb+了+adverb), but you can say 你做了很多 (You did a lot, verb+了+object) or 你做了很多工作 (You did a lot of work, verb+了+object again)

@lahyamn: 她唱得很好

@yourmandarin@lahyamn 🏅

@lahyamn: 他穿着黑色的衣服吗

@yourmandarin@lahyamn 🏅

@bornoneabril: 他穿的衣服都是黑色。 她唱得很好。 中国的经济不断地发展。

@yourmandarin@bornoneabril 很好!🏅 (one thing: add 的 at the end of your first sentence😉)

@bornoneabril@yourmandarin got it. Thanks! 😜

@yourmandarin@bornoneabril Anytime☀️

@vecember12: 地方?it’s di fang or de fang?

@yourmandarin@vecember12 👍 Great question! You’ll mostly see 地 in nouns, and in nouns it’s always pronounced as dì: 地方 dìfang (place), 地址 dìzhǐ (address), 地球 dìqiú (Earth)🌍

@vecember12@yourmandarin ouh thanks!我明白了😊

@ayaujohan@yourmandarin 打的 dadi

@yourmandarin@ayaujohan Yeah👍

@soportevy: 他穿的衣服是黑色的。

@yourmandarin@soportevy 很好😊🏅

@punj97: 他穿的衣服都是黑色的。 他唱得很好。 中國的經濟不斷地發展

@yourmandarin@punj97 非常好😎🏅

@anthonychristi: 她唱得了不起。。中国的经济发展不断地增长。。

@yourmandarin@anthonychristi 🏅

@yourmandarin@anthonychristi 哈哈 “了不起“是褒义词(it has a negative connotation),夸别人的时候最好还是用“好” (好听/好看)😉

@anthonychristi@yourmandarin 是吗?什么时候会用”了不起”。

@yourmandarin@anthonychristi #ym没什么了不起的 😉

@anthonychristi@yourmandarin 你知道中国奥运的主题歌”北京欢迎你”吗?在这首歌中有一段歌词”有梦想谁都了不起”,记得吗?看样子没有什么褒义词。

@yourmandarin@anthonychristi 北京奥运会是十年前举办的☀️ 语言会变得很快!

@anthonychristi@yourmandarin 哈哈。。就是这样呢。

@yourmandarin@anthonychristi 嗯,”不断地改变‘😄

@anthonychristi: 他穿的衣服是黑的。

@yourmandarin@anthonychristi 没错🏅

@lapetitelinguiste: 他穿黑色的衣服

@yourmandarin@lapetitelinguiste 😎🏅

@crzyhmrs: 他穿的衣服是黑色的。她唱得很不错。中国的经济不停地发展。

@yourmandarin@crzyhmrs 非常好😎🏅

@crzyhmrs@yourmandarin 么么哒!❤️

@crzyhmrs@crzyhmrs 我觉得第一要修改一下儿:”他穿的衣服是黑色”。

@yourmandarin@crzyhmrs No, your first answer was correct! Notice the difference: 他最喜欢的颜色是黑色 (black color) vs. 他穿的衣服是黑色的 (black (in color))

@atiquevintage@crzyhmrs but that 地 is pronounced di…, Communist party leaders are always using 地 attached to the adverb and pronounce it di…

@yourmandarin@atiquevintage @crzyhmrs that’s interesting! Also in songs, whenever it’s 的, it’s pronounced as ‘di’ (maybe it sounds more clear/easier to pronounce while singing)

@crzyhmrs@atiquevintage no idea…

@yellow.sea.heaven: 中国是一个美丽的国家

@yourmandarin@yellow.sea.heaven 你说得很好😁 (最后一句应该是’你做*得*真好’)

@romanyuknikita: 他穿的衣服是黑色的

@romanyuknikita@romanyuknikita 对不对?

@yourmandarin@romanyuknikita 非常非常好👍🏅 (Last sentence: 不断 already includes continuous tense, so you can just say ‘中国经济不断地发展’, no need to add 在…中😉)

@romanyuknikita@yourmandarin oh, that’s good to know! Thanks!

@luweezy17: This is triggering  @_stanimal  @jolenahou

@agnescarita: Literally what I’m currently looking for 😍

@agnescarita: 😍😍😍 thank you for sharing thisssssss

@yourmandarin@agnescarita Always welcome☀️ Happy to help

@queenmarlinn: 他穿黑色的衣服,她唱得很好,

@yourmandarin@queenmarlinn 👍🏅

@ridingsbrett@queenmarlinn I was trying to figure out why you were saying that then I saw the caption



December 11, 2018

Written by YourMandarin

YourMandarin is an independent project created and run by Veronika Se. To date, it has been updated daily for 1039 days, received 17,771 comments, and has 20.9k followers.

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