Hello there, Mandarin learners!

This post comes with a recap of Poll Quizzes☀️

Hope you had fun this week with Q&A – that’s why we had fewer stories than usual!

For your convenience, correct answers are marked as  ✅, and wrong as ❌.


1.  What Does Her Bag Look Like?

Quiz (Egg-shaped bag) | YourMandarin


Tā de shǒubāo xiàng yīgè…

鸡蛋 jīdàn – chicken egg

鸡腿 jīdàn – chicken leg

“她的手包像一个鸡蛋 Tā de shǒubāo xiàng yīgè jīdàn” (“Her bag looks like an egg”) was the right answer to this Monday’s story. Well done, 86% (1184👤) who chose 鸡蛋 jīdàn (chicken egg 🥚🍳)! The word “chicken leg” also starts with the character “chicken” (鸡 jī), but 腿 tuǐ means “leg”, thigh” – so it refers to the meaty part. (You can also tell that  it’s related to meat, because it contains the 月 radical, which is often used as a simplified 肉 – meaning “meat”. You’ll spot it in many characters for organs and body parts.)

(Thanks to @savvamarina_sova for sending this picture in PM📷)


2. “Big” or “small”?

Quiz (Heavy rain) | YourMandarin


Túrán xià…

 大雨了 dàyǔ le – heavy rain

小雨了 xiǎoyǔ le – light rain

“突然下大雨了 Túrán xià dàyǔle” (It suddenly started raining heavily) was indeed the correct answer, as 90% of you (1271👤) have chosen. Great job! It did indeed start raining heavily. Everyone including me had to hide under a roof of a nearby shop, because umbrellas would make no differnece…

Notice how in English you’d use the word “rain” as a verb: It suddenly started raining heavily, while in Chinese they use it as a noun – “Suddenly-fell-big-rain“! ☔️


3. What Are They Doing With the Ball?

Quiz (Football) | YourMandarin


Tāmen zài…

 打球 dǎ qiú – play basketball (“beat-ball”)

✅ 踢球 tī qiú – play soccer (“kick-ball”)

“他们在踢球 Tāmen zài tī qiú” (They are playing soccer) was the correct answer to this poll, and 72% (897👤) of you nailed it!

This poll was meant to be a bit tricky on purpose. You might be familiar with the phrases 踢足球 tī zúqiú (to play football) and 打篮球 (dǎ lánqiú) – but not with their shorter, colloquial versions!

Notice that in speech, native Chinese speakers simply refer to these two sports using different verbs – 打 dǎ (“to beat”) for basketball 🏀, and 踢 tī (“to kick”) for soccer/football ⚽️. You can get a clue about the nature of these two verbs if you look at their left radicals: the radical 手 in 打 means “hand”, and you normally beat with hands; while the radical 足 in 踢 means “foot”, and you usually kick using your feet.

(Thanks to @alinkatworek for sending this video🎬)


4. What’s The Boy Doing?

Quiz (Kite) | YourMandarin


Xiǎopéngyǒu zài fàng…

❌ 爆竹 bàozhú – firecracker(s)

✅ 风筝  fēngzhēng – kite

“小朋友在放风筝 Xiǎopéngyǒu zài fàng fēngzhēng” (The little boy is flying a kite) was the right answer to this poll, as 91% (924👤) have voted for. This poll was meant to just show a pretty kite I saw in Fuxing Park – and also, to demonstrate how the verb 放 fàng could be used with different nouns, and change its meaning accordingly (to “set off” firecrackers in the first option; to “fly” a kite in the second. Originally 放 fàng means “to release”.)

Also, notice how you can refer to kids as 小朋友 xiǎopéngyǒu – “little friends”!


5. What Does This Place Specialize In?

Quiz (Repair Shop) | YourMandarin

They … cars/bicycles here



“They fix cars/bicycles here” was the answer to this poll – and 90% (894👤) of you have guessed it right! The character 修 xiū means “to fix”, so “修车 xiū chē” written both on the door and in the ad means “repair/fix cars”.

(Or bicycles – 车 refers to vehicles in general) 🔧


I hope you’re enjoiying taking part in these stories as much as my friends and I enjoy producing them!

You can still watch all the quizzes on @YourMandarin account page from your mobile devices – just click on the Highlight called #Quizzes.

If you have any questions, feedback or ideas – feel free to leave them in comments below.

See you next week on Instagram😉


May 5, 2018

Written by YM

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