Let’s look at a word that is VERY common in Mandarin, but tricky to translate into English.

It’ll be great if you learn how to use it – it will help you sound more natural:

是 jiù shì!



 1. Use 就是 to begin a phrase.

“- Why didn’t you call me? – Well.. you know.. It’s just that I…”

All that mumbling translates into “我就是…”. And wins you time.


2. Use 就是 as “just”.

Makes a phrase sound more casual:

我就是想问一下 Wǒ jiùshì xiǎng wèn yīxià – I just wanted to ask…

我就是这个意思 Wǒ jiùshì zhège yìsi – I mean just…


3. Use 就是 whenever you explain things.

“What kind of phone is this? – It’s a new Xiaomi!” (这就是…)

“Who’s Jon Snow?! – He is a…” (他就是…)


4. Use 就是 as “exactly”.

This is exactly what I wanted! This is exactly what I mean!

就是这样 Jiùshì zhèyàng – Exactly like that!


So you see, it’s a fun word – sometimes it doesn’t even translate into English!

Are there similar words in other languages?



Love your explanation! I think it’s one of the most confusing Chinese words for foreigners😅


@bamboochee haha😊 it is!! it’s not much fun to learn, but I honestly can’t imagine Chinese language without it! If someone asked you to pick one word that represents the whole language, what would it be??:)


Wow this is a tricky question really! Never thought about that😅 I’ll nominate 的 and 吗 first. Have you asked other people?


@yourmandarin one word that illustrates the complexity of the language: 了。Master it and you have mastered Chinese. And no, I have not even come close.


@bamboochee @morganhargett these are great ones! I always thought of 就是 for the spoken language, but it’s because I forgot about 了 too! It definitely wins – even more common and less translatable😅

June 11, 2016

Written by YourMandarin

YourMandarin is an independent project created and run by Veronika Se. To date, it has been updated daily for 1039 days, received 17,771 comments, and has 20.9k followers.

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