Below is an organized copy of our today’s inspiring discussion on Instagram. Lots of great tips, thanks for sharing your ideas, everyone!

Hey awesome learners!

I just received a question in PM, and thought you might give much better answers💡

YM Follower's Question About Learning Chinese


What tips would you give to this learner?



Watch Chinese TV series …I enjoy that in which I get to know how these people speak when they are with friends, family, official etc…this is like entertainment+ learning 😉



@yourmandarin I started from 1) 就是要你愛上我 2) 喜歡一個人
Comedy,romantic and 3rd my all time favorite one is 三生三世十里桃花😍💝 



Practice more, review more, learn more, join the community, subcribes chinese learning apps, youtube, find person who u can practice with…



Use it or lose it. I think it really helps to use the vocabulary you already know in everyday conversations. Talk to yourself in Chinese and if you don’t know how to say it, look it up in the dictionary or ask someone who knows. It also helps to learn the characters along the way. This helps me reinforce what new words I am learning. Hope this helps you as well.



@chotto_go 👍 that’s very useful tips! How often do you practice telling these “stories”?



@yourmandarin I try to practice everyday in as much as I can. I’m still building my vocabulary that’s why I talk to myself for practice 



The best way to learn Chinese is to live in China😄  or have an opportunity to go there. To have a native speaker teacher, of course, so that, you can practice 口语. Not to forget everything – 每天练习 and read Chinese books



@yourmandarin actually, I don’t have any certain books to advice, just read the texts my teacher gives me) And I always listen to Chinese radio, it’s also a good way to practice listening



@yourmandarin. I would recommend Read Chinese by Fangyu Wang. Far Eastern Publications. They have books 1-3. I can read now because of this book. (Still in book 1 ☺)



a better way is a very personal thing… what works for me is to do it regularly and consciously. regularly means not only learn something new every day, but to repeat what u have learnt on daily basis. AnkiApp and Anki are the best apps ever for reviewing the words and keeping them in your mind forever. consciously means if you learn a new word, you have to find a bunch of examples for it and make a sentence for every meaning of it…it takes time, but it works))



@yulia_dyo 🙏 Thank you very much, these are very useful tips! Do you use pre-made Anki lists or make your own?



@yourmandarin i like creating my own cards, so i can put there some examples i want to remember. but the built-in cards are quite useful either, particularly the ones for HSK))



@yulia_dyo Yeah, I remember paying 100 or 200 kuai for it 🙁 But I just checked and their Android version is free!



Aha. Glad to see more people are learning Chinese. As a Chinese who spent tons of time learning English, I just know interest is the best teacher. Everyone knows that in order to improve English, we need to read, listen, speak and write. I think this can be applied to Chinese learning. Taking a course, or finding Chinese friends can also be effective. But hey, why not find a Chinese boyfriend or girlfriend? That’s a priceless resource. Just saying my mind. 😊



天啊。。its so me.. hahahaha… i love music.. so i learn by listening to the music.. understand and try to writing the lyrics…and watch chinese series..



@ricoxu Music! That’s a nice tip💛 Which artists can you recommend? (I know it’s a matter of taste, but still)



@marinarezza from yoga lin, the easy one i think “浪费 / lang fei” or “成全 / cheng quan” .. i think yoga lin’s song more easier than jay chou for example.. 😁 try it.. i love all yoga’s songs



@marinarezza ooh just realize you write series.. 😂 im on watching “我们少年时代 /boyhood”



get a girlfriend! but do not forget, she must be from north of China, I recommend Shijiazhuang girls)))



@desi_michi_go 🙂 maybe there’s no need, for many people here the main goal is to learn Chinese, English is just a medium😉



I think the most important thing is to put in on practice



You need to need the language. I’ve been learning French and Japanese, but never put them on practice so the presses it’s been really slow.



You need to be eager to speak the language.



@yourmandarin Well, I’m Mexican so my first language is Spanish, I speak a bit of English 中文也是 還在學。



@elisa_min Sorry I missed your comment! Wow, that’s an interesting mix!! It’s so cool to see how different languages go together. I wonder what it was like for you growing up😊






语言交换吗😂 我也想学好英语



The best way to remember every languages is to think in that languages.



I watch chinese movie or dramas, listen to chinese song. Sometimes I speak to myself. Write short journal with 汉字. Well, i had to admit that now adays my chinese wasn’t good in all way, compare to 10years ago. But, I made effort every day to learn it (even only small one).



I’m searching for a language partner! If you are interested please DM ME ❤️❤️ 我很想找些网友来聊天练练中文,如果你感兴趣的话dm我谢谢



@preg_nancy If you fail to find anyone here, try an app called HelloTalk! I tried improving my Spanish this way, and met many great language partners there (Shoutout to @manuprada77 )😉



@yourmandarin thanks for your words, my friend!!! I think that a better option would be Italki; a language learning platform with thousands of teachers and tutors with different language learning styles. The lessons are not free but you can find cheep and good options there to improve your language learning skills. Regards!



@yourmandarin thanks for your words, my friend!!! I think that a better option would be Italki; a language learning platform with thousands of teachers and tutors with different language learning styles. The lessons are not free but you can find cheep and good options there to improve your language learning skills. Regards!



@manuprada77 Thank you Manu, great tips as always😊 Whoever needs ideas on effective language learning strategies, Manu is the man to ask!💪






I became pretty much fluent (or insanely close to it, at a level where I could easily hold conversation within 1 year). Here’s what I did. 1. READ A LOT. 2. Listen to podcast. 3. Speak to Chinese people all the time. 4. Study flashcards. 5. Review (ALL THE TIME). 6. KNOW ALL GRAMMAR. 7. Never tried to find a magical technique, just study.



To know why you are learning Chinese, because by knowing that, you can focus on specific subjects. Because we tend to learn a bunch of stuff we won’t ever use. And try to live the language because the language taught in the books is way different from the one spoken in the real world.



@langslover Haha you will make a good one! You’re starting with the most important questions 😉



Have conversations with yourself when you’re alone/driving etc. to practice what you know!



@annemarie__vg 😄 We should start a secret group and name it “I Speak Chinese To Myself When No One’s Watching”!






I review 5 characters each day! Ive been doing that for 1 year and ive learned to much. I practice reading at any point in time. And to this person who as the question, all you have to do is slowly get into practicing again, and everything will slowly come back and you will remember! This has happened with me and another language before



Read a lot of different sentences will make you really close with the language. I guess the way of not to forget is read and speak weekly different phrases, even if it is just for yourself. DuChinese is an incredible app to learn a lot… aand either here, haha. Always teaching us ❤  thanks@yourmandarin 谢谢你!!