It’s the 5th day of the Lunar year!
Time to greet Caishen – the god of wealth!

大年初五迎财神 💰
Dànián chūwǔ yíng Cáishén✨

财神 Caishen, the God of Wealth | YourMandarin


💰财 cái – wealth; riches
🧞‍♂️神 shén – deity; god


财神 cáishén – Caishen, the god of wealth

(Sometimes people also call him 财神爷 cáishényé, as 爷 yé is just a polite way to address to an elderly person👴🏻)


While the first few days of the new year were family time – staying at home and visiting relatives on both sides – the fifth day is a bit different✨

迎财神 yíng cáishén – to greet/welcome Caishen

接财神 jié cáishén – to greet/welcome Caishen

祭财神 jì cáishén – to offer sacrifice to Caishen (usually fruit🍏🍊)


If you follow your Chinese friends on WeChat, you’ve probably noticed the abundance of posts welcoming Caishen today! With posts and pictures – of Caishen himself, of the Pig surrounded with money, lots of coins and banknotes, and wishes of getting rich in the New year💰💰💰


Why have a special day for this particular god? Well, the majority of Chinese new year’s wishes have to do with wealth and prosperity anyway, and it’s quite practical: if a family is wealthy, then luck, health and love will come along ❤️✨


Can you try saying “Caishen, come to my house”?


@therichardx: Double tap for good luck?

@yourmandarin: @therichardx Haha yesss! For getting rich in 2019, 恭喜发财 Gōngxǐ fācái ✨

@_xiaolily_: 财神,请您来我家吧?

@yourmandarin: @_xiaolily_ 😊🏅

@miss_arnscottblue: 财神,请来我的家!

@yourmandarin: @miss_arnscottblue 🏅😎 财神快来我的家啊!maybe

@mpobliquepens: 财神爷, 我 请您来我的家

@l00m4ever: 财神,来我家吧


February 9, 2019

Written by YourMandarin

YourMandarin is an independent project created and run by Veronika Se. To date, it has been updated daily for 1039 days, received 17,771 comments, and has 20.9k followers.

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